Posts Tagged With: bake

Motivation: Baking For the Soul

Yesterday I had really had it.  Enough already!  I yanked myself together and I forced myself to get out and take a walk.  That helped a lot.  Then I threw in some laundry so I could feel useful and get myself moving and having clean clothes is always nice.  And I just couldn’t shake this complete and utter need to bake.  I was a bit concerned that I would be pushing it physically but mentally my mind was ready to explode.  I needed to do something with my hands.  I find that when I create with my hands it helps my mind immensely.  My soul was ACHING TO BAKE.

So I did.  I baked yellow cupcakes with vanilla creme filling.  Cupcakes are kinda hard for me to bake usually because of the extra hand, wrist and arm movements they take to scoop the batter in the little cups but I wanted them so I made them.  Good ole Ms. Betty Crocker and I got together and made them actually.  We had a rockin’ time!  And you know what?  They weren’t as hard for me to make as they used to be.  Sometimes I gotta just try and do it.  I’m glad I did.

Here they are. They are ripe and ready to get bakin’.

There they are. My little cupcakes are growing up!–Yeah ok the oven window could use a good cleaning. Hey, at least that means it gets used every once in awhile right?

They’re all grown up! Looks like the creme didn’t explode out of the center so that’s a big ole PHEW!

And now they’re all pretty and ready to go. The plate is from my Nana’s old set. I like to use it for special occasions.

Beware of the Corey-Zilla!!!! He kept threatening to lick them all and I couldn’t get him away from the kitchen. Sure there’s a steak dinner waiting but these are CUPCAKES!

Turns out these were pretty darn yummy!  And because I baked yesterday I’m feeling better today mentally.  And a lot of the time when I’m feeling better mentally I feel better physically.  So today is a much much better day overall!

Now I’m just trying not to eat the rest of the cupcakes that are sitting in the kitchen calling to me…

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